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Test Your Memberships Installation (Test)
Test Your Memberships Installation (Test)

If your store is not yet live, these instructions will walk you through creating a membership plan and testing out your first membership

Updated over a week ago

This article assumes that you have already completed the app installation and have added the storefront widget to a backup theme. Since your store is not live, we'll want to enable test mode for Shopify Payments.

Step 1 - Enable Shopify Payments Test Mode (optional)

This step is optional, and allows you to process payments on Shopify's checkout using test credit cards. If you don't do this, you can simply change the price of your product to $0 temporarily, or create a 100% off discount code.

Step 2 - Create a non-physical product

Simplee Memberships works by linking a recurring payment to a single Shopify product. Before creating a membership plan, you should create a non-physical product which will represent this memberships.

Step 3 - Create a Membership Plan

You may have already created a membership plan when setting up Simplee Memberships. If not, complete the following steps:

  • Open the Simplee Memberships app

  • Open the Plans page

  • Create a new Plan

    • Set the membership plan's name

    • Choose a customer tag

    • Choose an order tag (optional)

    • Select the membership product you created in Step 2

  • Set one or more membership lengths

    • You can offer your membership for a single length, or add in as many options as you'd like

  • Optionally create rules and form fields

  • Save your plan

Step 3 - Checkout with test plan

Now we want to go through the entire checkout process as though you were a customer.

  • In your Shopify admin, click Online Store, then on the theme which has the widget on it, click Actions > Preview

  • Navigate to the product page where you set up your membership product

  • IMPORTANT: If you only set up a single membership length, you will not see a widget on the product page. When you add the product to the cart and at checkout, you should see the membership's display name under the product name

  • When you add the membership to your cart, does the cart show the Display Name of the membership?

  • Go to the checkout page - does the product show the Display Name of the subscription?

  • Complete the checkout using a test credit card (or real card if you did not enable test mode)

    • You can use 4242 4242 4242 4242 as the credit card number and any valid information for name, expiry date, and CVV

Step 4 - Emails and customer management

Now that you've created a membership (nice job!), check these things:

  • See that you received an email as the customer indicating that you've started your membership - if the format or branding needs updating, do so in the app's Settings page

  • In the app, within a minute of checkout, the membership will appear on the Memberships page

  • Click on the membership, and get familiar with the membership management page

  • We recommend trying things like sending a credit card update request and testing out the activity log and customer notes features

Step 5 - Login as a customer

Go back to the theme preview, and login to the store using the email you checked out with (you may need to create an account first). If you don't have an option to login as a customer or create an account, enable customer accounts on the Shopify Settings > Checkout page.

Check these things:

  • On the Account page, do you see a link to My Memberships?

  • Click the link - does the customer portal load successfully?

Step 6 - Launch and/or customize

If you're happy with your flow, you can go ahead and publish this backup theme.

If you'd like to make minor or major updates to your product page widget, or your customer portal, we would love to assist! The Simplee team has extremely affordable development services available.

That's it! If you're ever stuck, open the app and chat with our support team.

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